The Body/Brain/Mind Connection Part 1

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To begin to understand the connection between the human expression and Source first requires to remember that there is nothing but Source within all of creation. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, energy simply changes form. This means that all of creation is the same energy, and I choose to call that conscious, creative energy Source. Many people choose the word God.

The human expression is Source temporarily expressing as human, which is a “thought form”. The human expression is a thought, held within the mind of Source.

The whole mind of Source cannot be “seen” as some type of form. When we close our eyes and only see blackness, when we look into what we all outer space, and only see blackness, we are looking at Source, before Source express as thought form.

Therefore, when we are talking about the “structure of creation” we are actually talking about the way that thoughts in Source mind connect to mind to create “pictures” seen as creation. We call the pictures of thought forms “manifest”. The unseen thoughts are “inner creation”. What is seen as “thought forms” are “outer creation”. Creation occurs from the inside out, not the outside in.

Outer creation, or manifest creation, is mirrored images made of light (radiation) of the thoughts of inner creation. The thoughts that flow through you are “inner creation”. What you see as manifest are pictures of the thoughts flowing through you.

Looking at the thought picture images we call manifest is the process of Source looking into mirrors to see what the thoughts of Source can look like. The individual identity expressions of Source (you) are the mirrors within which Source looks at the thoughts of Source. At this time, human consciousness is healing to remember they are Source and that they are not the human body form. At this time, most humans identify as being the human body form because humanity forgot that they are Source.

In Ebook One, on the Ascension Whispers website, we remembered how Source creates all of the layers of creation, simply via thinking. We remembered the phasing cycle of the Divine Trinity, which is the in breath and out breath of Source creating thoughts within the mind of Source. We remembered that the first expression of Source expressing as “thought forms” within creation is the expression of Stars, which step the energy of Source down from higher to lower levels of Source energy. Stars are replicated minds of Source whole mind. We call Source whole mind the universe.

It is important to remember that what humans have been taught (programmed) to call suns and solar systems are really stars and star systems. We are taught that at the center of our galaxy there exists a gigantic sun, called the galactic sun. It is really a “star”, and a galaxy is really a star system, expressing at a very high level of Source energy. A galaxy is also a “time matrix”, which simply means an “energy grid” within which the illusion of time is experienced. The word matrix simply means grid.

What is it a grid of? It is a grid composed of an uncountable number of stars which are “thoughts” held within the galactic star mind. From the center of our galactic sun-star to the boundary of our galactic sun-star is ONE Star Mind expression. What we call the galactic plane is the lowest level of energy of our galactic sun-star mind. All of the uncountable number of stars that express within our galactic sun-star mind are “pictures” or “thought forms” of the “thoughts of Source” that humans can see within our galactic sun-star mind.

The picture humans see as the universe could be considered as the “brain of Source mind, and the uncountable number of stars as “brain cells”. Just as humans can detect a data process networking system within the human body thought form, so too does such a networking system occur within the stars. The network within the stars is what steps the energy of Source down and up in energy.

Within the galactic star mind, stepping the energy of Source down is expansion/projection from the galactic star to the boundary of the galactic star. Stepping the energy of Source back up in energy is the process of returning to the vibration rate of the galactic star mind, and the projected rays merging back into the galactic star mind.

The layers of creation are the result of Source conscious whole mind stepping the energy of Source mind down in energy to be able to express as individual identities (faces) of Source. All humans are individual identity expressions of Source.

Source is “conscious mind”, not a brain, but mind. Source whole conscious mind does not express as “form“, so it is not possible to see Source whole mind. When we close our human eyes and see only blackness, and when we look at what science calls the “void” in space, we are looking at our Source mind, we are seeing what our mind looks like before the conscious energy of our Source mind expresses as form.

Our Source mind expression can be “felt” but not “seen as form”. However, we can see a “light form” that represents individual replicated minds of Source whole mind, which we call stars. The awareness that we have of our self, knowing our self, being able to think, IS our Source mind. Being self aware IS what it means to be conscious. It does not require a brain to be conscious. It only requires a brain to look at, experience, our thoughts.

This means that when you no longer express as a human thought form, you are still a conscious, self aware expression of Source, who will then express as a different thought form.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, energy simply changes “form”. All of creation is the same energy, which is the energy of Source. Creation is the process of Source discovering self, discovering what Source IS, by creating and experiencing the thoughts Source thinks. We are Source, discovering who and what we are. That is what the word spirituality means, the desire to “know” self.

The process of Source discovering self is an eternal process, because it is the process of Source thinking, and creating forms of the thoughts that Source thinks. Source thinks eternally! Source has no beginning and no ending. Humans are Source, who have no beginning and no ending. Humans have simply forgotten they are Source and are healing to remember this truth. Healing to remember you are Source is the process of healing to remember your true expression. Once humans have remembered this truth, they will once again regain the role of consciously co-creating as individual faces of Source. Because humans have forgotten they are Source, they are currently unconsciously co-creating, which means the thoughts of human consciousness are creating haphazardly, or by default. Because humans have forgotten they are Source, and how Source creates simply via thinking, they have forgotten they are co-creating the earth hologram, simply via the thoughts that are programmed within human expressions.

Because humans have forgotten they are expressions of Source, they believe they are the human body thought form, therefore many wonder if they still exist when they stop expressing as the human body thought form. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, energy simply changes form. Humans are Source, who cannot be created or destroyed, but simply change form. There is no such thing as death, there is only the process of eternally expressing as a different form, which means to eternally “birth” as a new form. It means that what humans call death is really the birth of a new form expression. Human body death means to stop expressing as one form, and to birth as a new form. All forms are “thought forms”.

The human body thought form only expresses in this earth holographic reality field. It is a temporary thought form expression of what Source looks like, while experiencing in this earth holographic reality field. Nowhere else within creation will you find yourself looking like the human body thought form. The human body thought form is a temporary thought form for human consciousness that fragmented, and fell in energy, to express as, while healing to rise back up in energy.

When you complete the earth life experience, you will no longer express as the human body thought form. You will then regain all of your energy and self create a thought form to represent yourself within a balanced, holographic reality field. Because you will regain all of your energy when you complete the earth life experience, you will no longer be “stuck to the ground” in the balanced holographic reality field. You will no longer be stuck within the picture image of the hologram. Your new form will express in the layers of the hologram we call the upper layers of the atmosphere. Your form will still feel as a manifest form to you but you will no longer express as the dense level of energy the manifest hologram expresses as. Your form will still have the characteristics of the human form (top to bottom) but it will not look like the human body thought form. It will look as you create it to look.

This means that all of the people who have walked the ground within this earth hologram, and then stopped expressing as the human body thought form, are still here. They are still all around us. They are simply expressing as a different form within a higher level of radiation that is outside of the range of human vision. Many people have captured images of the “unseen” conscious expressions all around us with digital cameras, which hold a fast enough shutter speed to capture energy not seen via human vision. Science tells us that such things are simply the result of dust or water particles, but they are not. If that were true, such things would be in every picture taken via a digital camera. Science has no clue about such things and can only apply such phenomenon to what they can think, or a seemingly reasonable explanation. People are calling these images “orbs”. Such orbs are not just dust or water particles, they are the conscious expressions of Source that are expressing as different forms beyond the level of energy humans can see as a manifest thought form.

When you sit and meditate, and imagine you are some place other than your current location, you show up in that other location as an orb of radiation. It is a process of shifting your focus of attention into a different point of energy, or a different vibration rate. For example, if you are sitting at the north pole, and you imagine yourself sitting at the south pole, you will show up at the south pole as a orb expression. This is because you are actually “mind” and you are simply shifting your energy to a different vibration rate within your mind. It is a level of radiation that is outside of the range of human vision, so humans sitting at the south pole would not see you as a manifest form. However, they may “feel” your energy.

Humans experience this all the time. You may be thinking about someone and decide to call them on the phone. The person answers and says, “I was just thinking about you”. Your energy preceded you actually making the phone call. They became aware of you before the phone actually rang, because they felt your energy. Science tells us that nothing is faster than the speed of light, but this is not true. Nothing is faster than the speed of thought, which is instant.

Source does not “go anywhere” within what we see as manifest creation. You do not “go anywhere”. You simply shift your focus of attention “within yourself” to a different vibration rate. Everything that we see as manifest creation is the conscious energy of Source mind focusing in every thought at the same time. If Source were to stop thinking, which will never occur, everything seen as manifest creation would cease to express as manifest creation.

What we call the structure of creation is created by Source focusing the energy of Source mind into every thought that Source thinks, at the same time. Humans may only be able to imagine that process by comparing it to the operation of the human body form. It is the same process of supplying your energy to every cell in your body at the same time. It is your “brain” that relays your energy, but it is your mind that supplies the energy to your brain. And, there is only “one mind”, which is Source mind.

Stars are replicated minds of Source mind, which Source creates simply via thinking, to step the energy of Source mind down in energy. Source does this to be able to step the energy of Source mind down to a low enough level of energy to be able to express as individual, identity expressions (you). Doing so is the only way Source can see, and experience the thoughts of Source as “individual thought forms”.

Therefore, your individual Source identity expression is a “brain”, not a body form. The body form is a thought form created within your unique brain, which includes the picture image we call the human brain. Your true brain is what we call the “auric body”, which is not a body form, and operates as a brain. Your local, replicated mind of Source is our local Star, which we call the sun. All humans are created by the same local Star mind, within the same local Star mind. You live inside of a star, you are a Star mind.

You do not go anywhere when you stop expressing as the human thought form. You are still held within the same local Star mind, and simply express as a different thought form.

Quantum physics has discovered that matter does not exist unless “someone” is looking. Who then is the someone looking? It cannot be someone made of matter, which rules out the thoughts of some scientists of it possibly being ETs, and a super computer created by ETs. Both of which imply matter form.

As this series unfolds, we are going to look at illustrations of how that occurs, within a Star mind, to allow us to better understand the Mind – Brain – Body Connection. This information is of a very high level of energy, so it may require you to read, and later re-read to gain more understanding. Doing so is the process of turning on higher levels of energy of mind within yourself. Doing so IS a result of “remembering” the truth of self.

Each of the uncountable number of smaller stars in our galactic sun-star mind are smaller energy replicated minds of Source whole mind. Which means they hold less energy as an individual thought form than our galactic sun-star mind, but the energy they hold is supplied from our galactic sun-star mind.

All of the uncountable number of replicated star minds step the energy of Source, of our galactic sun-star mind, down from higher to lower levels of Source energy. Each star holds a unique amount of Source energy turned on within them, which is what allows them to express as individual stars instead of simply merging with our galactic sun-star mind. No two stars are exactly alike! Because each star holds a unique amount of Source energy turned on within it, each one has a unique “vibration rate”, which in turn determines the vibration rate of the thoughts held within each star mind. They are all connected to each other.

This amazing network is “mirrored” in the picture of the human body form as what science calls the neurological system. Therefore, the uncountable number of connected star minds, within our galaxy – time matrix, is the brain of our local galactic sun-star mind.

We remembered the Eternal Spiral of Creation in Ebook One on the Ascension Whispers website. Each thought of Source mind is created within the Eternal Spiral of Creation. Every thought holds the Eternal Spiral of Creation as the foundation energy structure of the thought. The sequence of all thoughts is 12, 9, 6, 3, zero 12. The zero 12 is simply the lowest level of energy that the energy of Source will step down to within a thought. What we call a galactic plane and a solar plane is the zero 12 point layer of star minds. What we call a sun is the core of the star mind (12, 9, 6, 3).

The zero 12 replicates, which begins the process of the next thought. The zero 12 could be thought of as the “period” in a sentence. The eternal sequence of the Eternal Spiral of Creation is 12, 9, 6, 3, 12, 12, 9, 6, 3, 12, 12, 9, 6, 3, 12……………… etc.

The reason the “pictures” of the uncountable number of stars look like they are separated by huge amounts of empty space is because they each hold a unique amount of Source energy within them. The vibration rate of the individual expression of Source (you) creates the illusion of space between thoughts. Space between picture images of thoughts is the result of Source looking at the thoughts of Source as individual thought forms. Just as you see space between the words you are reading. Each word is “one thought”. Each word holds its unique vibration rate. The period in each sentence is the zero 12 point of a string of thoughts.

The encryption of a thought, or coding, determines when a thought begins and stops, to then create the next thought. In the human form expression humans call such coding DNA. The encryption of thoughts is a binary code, which simply means it is the process of “turning off” Source energy which creates the “template, or blueprint,” of the thought. The perceived space between thoughts is the “pause” between thoughts. In comparison to you reading this information, the white background, behind the words you are reading, is the whole mind of Source. The words are the thought images of Source mind. The words are “thought forms“. Looking at the forms of thoughts is similar to Source mind reading a book, or watching a movie, the book/movie is created by the thoughts of Source.

Your unique vibration rate determines the way thoughts look. The “view” of creation adjusts within the individual vibration rate of the individual auric brains. We could compare this to our technology and watching a movie on a smart phone verses a huge movie screen. In the movie theater the picture of the movie looks huge, compared to the picture seen on a smart phone. The picture of creation adjusts to the screen (mirror) it is being viewed upon. Individual identity expressions of Source (you) are the movie screens Source is looking at the thoughts of Source within/upon, so the size of the picture seen is based on each individual movie screen.

The vibration rate of the “ray of consciousness”, which creates the auric brain, determines how much of the encryption of a thought is turned on when it is viewed. This determines what the thought will “look like” within each unique auric brain. The collective vibration rate of the collective rays of consciousness co-creating a holographic reality field (humanity co-creating earth) determines what the thoughts that make up the holographic reality field will look like. The collective vibration rate determines the amount of coding within thoughts that turn on, which determines how thought images look.

Did you ever wonder why there seems to be a stop point of growth within the life expressions (thought forms) of the earth hologram? Such as, why does grass stop growing when it reaches a certain height? Why do tress stop growing when they reach a certain height? Why are there ancient trees that are giants, compared to younger trees? And, why are these ancient trees now beginning the process of becoming extinct?

The ancient, giant trees were created within the earth hologram when the collective of earth was at a much higher vibration rate, when consciousness from planetary shields 2 & 3 were still cycling through the earth ascension system. The collective vibration rate of humanity has been able to keep those giant trees manifest, within the earth hologram. The collective doing so, is now in the process of ascending, and unplugging from the earth hologram, which is what is making those giant trees begin to become extinct. The vibration rate of the collective of humanity is what determines when the encryption of a thought stops turning on, which in turn determines the “stop growth point” of a thought.

When there have existed extreme differences in height of the human body thought form, from tiny to giant in size, it is because the human consciousness turning on the thought of the human body expression was of extreme different vibration rates, within the earth ascension system. We still see varying heights of the human body thought form today, which is still the result of the amount of coding turned on within the thought. As stated, the amount of coding turned on within the thought determines the stop growth point of the thought. It is similar to the period of the sentence in the stream of thoughts creating the human body thought form.

That does not mean the height of the human form determines the vibration rate of the ray of consciousness embodied within the human form. The vibration rate of the embodied ray of consciousness is determined by how much of the energy of the ray of consciousness, expanding the human body thought form, has been “raised back up in vibration rate”. We will understand more of this process as this series continues.

The truth is there is no such thing as empty space, as the space seen between thoughts is the conscious energy of Source mind. Human consciousness perceives thoughts in a “linear sequence”, just as you are reading in a linear sequence, via looking at one thought at a time. Doing so is what creates the experience of linear time. As you look at these word thought images, you are breathing in and out. The process of breathing in and out is what plays the movie of thoughts within yourself. Breathing in and out is what allows your individual energy to increase in vibration. The process of breathing in and out is expanding (the out breath) and contracting (the in breath) in and out of Source mind. That is what the Divine Trinity is. It is the process of Source breathing. Each out breath expands more of the energy of Source within the mind of Source. Doing so is what allows creation to eternally expand. Just as you experience a “pause breath” in the human breathing process, there is also a pause breathe within the Divine Trinity breathing process. The outward pause breath is the point that manifest creation flashes on. The inward pause breath is the point when more of Source energy is imbued within the thought, to then expand the thought back out of the creation point at a higher vibration rate.

If you could “see” creation expanding and contracting, while reading these words, you would see the words appear and disappear (flash on and flash off). The process occurs so quickly that you will never see the hologram flash off. However, every time you blink your human eyes your personal hologram flashes off. Every time you blink your human eyes the next frame of your hologram is set for you to see. Space between thought streams is similar to the process of blinking, or the pause in the images being seen.

If you try not to blink your human eyes, your human eyes will begin to water and burn. This is because you are saturating one frame of your hologram, and vibration rate, with the energy of Source mind. Doing so is the process of accreting a lot of radiation into one frame of the picture. Doing so will eventually make the picture begin to blur. If you could do so long enough, the picture would become totally blurred, and you would no longer be able to see the picture. You would also probably get a headache, as a result of putting too much energy/radiation into one thought stream, processing through your brain.

Below is an example of one thought spiral, and another thought spiral being created. There is no white space in between the arms of the spiral but I do not know how to make a digital spiral without that space in there. The spiral expands similar to the layers of an onion, with no space in between the layers.

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If you found your individual identity at the location of that red arrow, it would look as though there was space between you and the center of the spiral, with the black representing one thought and the gray representing the creation of the next thought. The closer to the center point, the higher the level of energy, so depending on your vibration rate, you may not even be able to see what is held as a thought within the center point, if you do not hold enough energy to turn that thought on within yourself. This creates the illusion of space, via “turning off” the energy of Source within the individual identity expressions of Source.

The radiation radiated from the black layer of the spiral would be so large that it would expand beyond the gray layer, but the gray layer would not merge with that radiation because the radiation radiated by the gray layer is lower in energy. Therefore, for consciousness experiencing thoughts within the gray layer to merge with the energy of the black layer means to reach the level of energy, and vibration rate, of the black layer. To do so, you accrete “inward”, back towards the creation point, and experience expanding larger in size.

The embodied faces of Source accrete the energy of Source along the Eternal Spiral back to the creation point. This creates the illusion of the “spiral” spinning counter clockwise, when in fact the spiral is not moving at all, but the consciousness is accreting the energy of Source around the spiral. The speed of accretion, or the accretion rate, determines the play speed of the movie of thoughts. The play speed of the movie of thoughts is what creates the experience of the passage of time. The energy of thoughts accreted become the past moment. The energy of thoughts being accreted create the now moment. The energy of thoughts not yet accreted create the future moments.

The now moment is the point you have your consciousness focused within. It is your point of power. The thoughts you think about in your now moment determine the thoughts of past and future moments. Holding onto past, imbalanced thought experiences, continues to keep them alive in the now moment. You continue to carry them with you by continuing to feed them your energy, which keeps them turned on within you.

Each thought around the Eternal Spiral is “nested” inside of each other, like the layers of an onion, but they do not merge into each other because each thought holds its unique amount of Source energy, with the highest amount being the creation point, and stepping down in energy along the spiral. This creates the spheres within spheres of creation, as each thought creates a “thought sphere of radiation” with radiation being the energy of Source held within the Eternal Spiral of the thought.

When there is no longer consciousness feeding energy into a thought, the thought “de-manifests”, and turns off. This means the past moment thoughts no longer exist as manifest, when consciousness stops thinking about them. This is what it means in the information from quantum science. “When no one is looking, particles turn back into waves“. With each blink of your human eyes your hologram cycles between waves and particles of radiation. The viewer creates what they are looking at. The ONLY one viewing is Source mind, within your unique auric brain.

What we call outer space is a thought field of the thoughts of Source. The unseen thought spirals is inner creation and creates the radiation science cannot “see” but believes is there because they detect something. This is the level of creation science has created names for such as black energy, dark energy, black matter, dark matter, black holes, and background radiation. There is also another expression of our time matrix galaxy, which humans cannot detect, on the underneath side of what we call the galaxy, which is created by the sun-star mind that our galactic sun-star mind is created from. Of course it is much higher in energy so expresses as a separate system of the same system. To humans, this would be the inner expression of our galaxy.

We, Source embodied, cannot begin the process of “defining Source”, or defining and understanding our self, until we can look into the mirrors and see what our thoughts look like. It is challenging for most humans to imagine that, but if you imagine yourself as blind, and never seeing the form you are expressing as, you have no picture to identity yourself “as” until you can look at yourself. When you look in a mirror, you would be quite surprised, and fascinated, to see what you can look like. Even when you cannot see a picture image of yourself, you still know you exist, and wonder what you might look like. That is how the whole mind of Source expresses, knowing self, or simply I AM, and wondering what self can look like. Creation is Source, discovering what Source can create and look like. Our individual identity expression of Source is Source discovering what the thoughts of Source look like within our individual expression.

Only the individual expressions of Source mind wonder who they are and what they might look like. We can discern this from watching the other species of life forms – thought forms, within the earth hologram. Think about when you see a cute kitten see its reflection for the first time in a mirror. The kitten does not know it isĀ  a reflection of itself. It believes it to be another kitten. Yet the kitten does not spend its life wondering what it looks like, who it is, or how it came to be. It simply expresses as a kitten. Nor does the kitten look at its paws in wonder, the way human babies do.

The current challenge for human consciousness is they fell into the level of energy of a movie (holographic reality field), forgot they are Source, are expressing as a thought form within the movie, and believe they are the thought form. Healed, balanced faces of Source are not seen within the movie of the holographic reality field, they remain the co-creators and observers of the movie, made of the thoughts of Source, and they “know” they are Source co-creating the movie.

It is impossible to remember the truth of creation by taking apart the pixels that compose the holographic movie, which we call manifest matter. To remember requires healing to reach a high enough vibration rate to be able to access the truth held within mind. The truth is expressing all around us within the movie, but unless you can remember the truth, you cannot see the truth.

Science has spent years taking apart manifest matter to try to discover how manifest matter, and creation, is created. Has doing so allowed any humans to remember that they live “inside of a star”, or that they are “made of the radiation of a star”? Even quantum science, who have discovered that “manifest matter does not exist unless someone is looking” has not remembered this simple truth. It is similar to not being able to see the forest because you are focused on looking at individual trees, naming trees and dissecting them to see what they are made of.

In this series we are going to look at illustrations to allow us more understanding of how our individual Source identity is created, what the individual identity really is, at least some of how we should operate, and why we are not operating as we should. Remembering such things is the process of turning back on the memory of your whole individual expression, which is the process of healing to once again express as your healed, balanced expression of Source.

Have you ever felt as though you are “missing” part of yourself? Well, if you have it is because you are. If you have spent any of your life looking for that “special someone” to couple with, you are looking for the part of yourself that seems missing. If you have spent any of your life looking for “love” then you are seeking Source, with a desire to return to balance.

This series will continue to be a slow expansion as it requires a lot of my time and energy to step this information down to a vibration rate to then translate it into the level of radiation humans can currently access. Check back often to see if a next part of the series has been posted.

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